For your daily dose of me, please apply directly to your forehead. Repeat until you are me.

League of Lamentations

Played three two games in a row with Tantman. I tried to focus; super tired from work, but need to keep on if I want to even start considering gold rank. We lost both of them. He blames me and, to be honest, I don't give a fuck. If he didn't carry half the team, I wouldn't even play with him because he just bitches and moans so.much.

To be fair, he is like ten (lol, not really) fourteen? Bothers me more that he has a better elo than me AND is younger, but I guess that's how it goes sometimes?


The unforgivable thing here is dissing Tristana and calling her "the most useless character in League of Legends ever". That is straight up elitist bullshit right there. AP Trist has some of the best ratios in the game, ignoring Nunu for a second, and her range is vastly superior than 95% of every ADC ever created. Can we just take a second to also talk about her passive which allows her to harrass enemies with just minion kills? MAGIC DAMAGE EVEN. Why does an ADC need to scale with magic damage, you ask? BECAUSE TRISTANA JUST FUCKING CAN, that's why.

Okay. So clearly, I am upset about this, but I'm going to do the adult thing and pretend like I'm not bothered by it at all and just continue to use this kid to get me closer to my goal.

Sorry, but not really, bro.



Doing a pretty terrible job at my resolutions this year. Supposed to be cranking out a vlog every week and keeping on top of updating these things.

Cest la vie. I've never been a very focused person anyway...


An End to an Era

Found out an old high school classmate died three days ago from a drug overdose. Heroin, to be precise. I've got an extremely strange feeling about this.

Spent an hour or so talking to Monica about it. even if we weren't close with these people it hurts a lot, cause you still were in such close proximity with them all the time, like you shared so much of your daily schedule with them. that's why I think it's so whack when people are like "oh but you weren't close to them" [or] "why are you sad"
And it made me feel better because I understood why I was feeling so terrible. It made me feel better to know that she understood.

I fucking love Momo.

Midterms are DEATH

Somethings gonna give, and that something was work. I was ten minutes late this morning.

The worst part is that I could have easily been on time, I just didn't want to get up this morning.

Phone is off till next Monday so I really hope no one important tries to call me or anything (not that anyone ever does).